Featured Couple: Cally & Ben
We are so fortunate to have great relationships with our couples! We wanted to give everyone the opportunity to meet Cally & Ben. You will absolutely love them! Find out more about their love story here.
How did you meet?
Ben and I met in college. His fraternity and my sorority were paired for an event. We both had other dates, but spent the whole evening together (sorry dates). The rest was history.
Creative Candids
Where was your first date?
We didn't go on dates so much as spend a lot of time with our friends. Then, slowly the friends trickled off until we were just spending time with each other. Eventually, we started to go out together and I don't remember what the first date was, but if I had to guess... I'd say one of our favorite restaurants, Applebee's!
Creative Candids
Everyone loves a proposal story! Tell us about the proposal.
My family gets together for an annual Christmas movie at the historic Art Craft Theater in Franklin. It's something I always look forward to (I'm a Christmas nut). He said we needed to park further away because "parking was tight" near the theater. As we walked the few blocks through the beautiful homes of downtown Franklin, he stopped at one with a for sale sign in the yard and went up on the porch. I scolded him because it was obvious someone still lived there and we were already late to the movie. He insisted that I join him on the porch and when I did, I saw candles everywhere, beautiful purple roses and string lights. Right away he got down on one knee and said the most romantic things he's ever said to me that I will never be able to remember because I was in TOTAL shock! The one line I caught that will stick with me forever is "you've brought me closer in my walk with Jesus". I'm okay with just remembering that.
Creative Candids
What are you looking forward to most about your wedding?
I'm an event planner so I take a lot of pride in putting together a party this big. I thought my look would be my main concern, but honestly it was the last thing I put together because I just want my guests to have a blast and remember this day forever. and obviously... marrying the most handsome man in the world!
Creative Candids
Where are you going on your honeymoon?
We are going to Montego Bay, Jamaica and we couldn't be more excited. Ben says it's the part of getting married that he looks forward to most.
Creative Candids
Any advice for other engaged couples?
SLOW DOWN. It probably seems like your wedding is a million years away, but it's so much closer than you think. You two will be married for the rest of your life so don't rush the process, just enjoy the phase you're in and really try to soak it all in.